Covid-19 Update

In light of the new guidance issued by the Government to tackle the spread of Covid-19, our offices in Leicester and Corby will once again be closed to protect the health and wellbeing of our staff and clients.

We remain fully operational with our office hours the same whilst our team work effectively and securely from home. Our Family and Care Solicitors and fee earners are engaging in hearings, meeting with clients and conferences remotely via telephone, video calls or by email and we continue to deliver excellent legal services to our clients. 

Please do not attend our offices unless a meeting has been pre-arranged for you. When you do need to attend our offices, we will need you to complete a Covid-19 questionnaire in advance to confirm that you or any member of your household do not have any of the symptoms of COVID-19. You will be required to wear a mask, sanitise your hands upon entering and exiting and we will require that social distancing protocols are adhered to at all times as per notices in our premises.

If you are looking for legal advice from experts in Childcare and Family law, contact our experienced Solicitors by telephoning 0116 2544200 or 01536 744847, or by email on are happy to arrange video/telephone meetings upon request.

The Management of Scutt Beaumont Solicitors Ltd will continue to monitor the latest guidance from the Government and Public Health England to determine when our offices may reopen.